The Mind of An Investor (West Vs East)
Do not miss the opportunity to understand how you and your company can benefit from entry into one of the fast-growing and second-largest healthcare markets in the world.
Venue: Eureka TechIN, Level 19, 357 Collins Street, Melbourne
Date: 4 September (Wednesday) 2019 Time: 6:00 to 8:30 pm
Cost: Free to all Australian Medtech Companies
Registration: To register for the free event, email your name, job title, organisation and contact details to techin@eurekaintl.com.au
How does western investment philosophy and the process differs from a Chinese one? In this free session, we will explore what returns investors looks for given a level of risk, different investment philosophies, risk tolerance, patience and therefore how you need to present your project to investors from different backgrounds.
Event organisation:
The Australia China Health Accelerator (ACHA) is an independent not-for-profit organisation located in Melbourne. With the support of LanchVic and Eureka Technology, ACHA has established the Australian health startup founder education program, “UprAsia” which develops your understanding of Asian healthcare markets (https://www.uprasia.org). The program is free of charge for Australian Medtech companies and Startups. ACHA also recently received Commonwealth Government support to bring international experts to Melbourne to provide valuable insights and share their experience in the Chinese healthcare market.
Event speakers:
Mr Jun Liu
MD of Lorem Health and Senior Consultant to Guangdong China Science and Tech-Innovation Capital Management
ACHA invited Mr Liu as an international expert for this session. He has been in the field of business investment, commercialisation and project management in China for nearly 30 years. He held senior positions in government funded investment companies and gained abundant experience on project investment, fund financing and project operation. In the past 10 years he had been running business between China and Australia, and has developed in depth knowledge of business systems, cultures and markets in both countries. Mr Liu has successfully managed over 400 + large investment projects in China across many sectors.
Mr Michael Woods
CEO, NextMed Capital
Michael spent 13 years as investment banker and fund manager with the Macquarie Group, in Melbourne, Seoul, Moscow, Almaty and London investing more than $2 billion including the establishment of a start-up company in Kazakhstan and an executive role in an early stage project in Philippines. Michael currently invests in and consults to early stage life-science companies.